Fast Desktop Computer Repair Service

Helpertch provides fast and convenient desktop PC repair services for all of your computer repair needs.  For any repair service you need, you can expect one of our trained and experienced repair technicians to fix your computer fast!

Computer Repair Shop

We promise to give you an educated and accurate quote on any repair, and give you practical advice for your exact situation.  Count on us for trained and experienced technicians serve you fast, and get the repairs done right the first time.

CALL NOW:  651-400-1472

or click below to contact us for a quote.

Contact Us

Most major iPhone parts are regularly stocked, but give us a shout if you’d like to verify pricing or availability of a repair. Give us a call at 651-400-1472, or fill out the form, and we will get back to you!

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Make sure to include details about your device, as well as what problem you are facing.